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Protestors target reporter, Acton’s home in Bexley

Protestors target reporter, Acton’s home in Bexley


During Friday’s protests outside the state capitol, a protestor was caught on camera berating NBC4 reporter Adrienne Robbins who was there to cover the event. The protestor, who has not been identified, complained about coronavirus media coverage saying, “The company you work is lying to the American people and you know that what you’re doing is wrong.”

The incident was caught on camera by’s Laura Hancock.

“The person who was talking to me seemed like she had a very big problem with the media, and that was her main focus,” Robbins said in an aired interview on her own station. “Other people are obviously concerned with their jobs and the stay-at-home order.”

Condemnation of the protestor by fellow media members was swift and forceful.

This was followed by about two dozens protestors standing across the street and holding signs in front of Amy Acton’s home in Bexley, Saturday. Some reports say armed men were part of the protest group.

The majority of posts we saw on social media largely felt these protests went too far, particularly the targeting of a state employee at home. The outrage by private citizens and elected officials was vocal.

What do you think, are protestors going too far?

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