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Love and happiness is green and leafy at Six One Flora

Love and happiness is green and leafy at Six One Flora


Six One Flora is the plant service you didn’t know you needed, but owner Amber Suttles thinks that owning plants may be just the thing to combat pandemic stress and fatigue. 

“It’s nice to have plants around you and watch them grow. When you take care of them, they give back to you,” Suttles says. “You can do it from home and put energy into something good, new and fun during all this craziness.”

While Six One Flora was born of tragedy, Suttles’ is now using that pain to transform people’s lives with plants. Her plant journey began about a year ago when her brother-in-law died by suicide. When her sister-in-law divvied up their plant collection to move out of the home she had shared with her late husband, Suttles gladly took in many of the plants, although she hadn’t much experience as a green thumb before.


“The plants felt so important to me, so I learned how to take care of them and go from there,” said Suttles. “I attribute a lot of my passion for plants to my sister-in-law, and I started buying a lot more plants during quarantine.”

When the salon Suttles owns, Mane Studio in Grandview Heights was shuttered in the early months of the pandemic, she decided to start Six One Flora, and business has been booming ever since. “People were just excited to have something to do and looked forward to receiving a plant,” she said. 

In the early days of the pandemic, Suttles would do “plant drops,” where she would announce the release of 20 plants at a time. The service was so successful that her plants were selling out in under a minute. “It was so fun and a mini-community. My family and friends joined in. Some people would have plants delivered to their friends.” 

However, now that people are not staying in their homes as much, her business model has shifted to allow online-only purchases with free delivery within the I-270 loop. The website offers different categories of plants, from easy care and pet safe to harder-to-find foliage. 

But it’s not just the greenery that has customers excited. Six One Flora also sells handcrafted pots in amusing shapes, like lips and breasts. “The boob pots are made in Brooklyn, and I try to support women-owned and made-in-the-USA businesses as much as possible,” Suttles said.

Got a brown thumb? Suttles did too, and she says Six One Flora will do everything it can to help you keep your flora thriving. All plants come with a care card, and even if you are having problems with a plant you did not purchase from her, Suttles is willing to help. 

“On the website, there is Plant SOS and you can send me questions and I will help,” she said. “I think people overthink caring for plants. If you just get an easy plant, anyone can do it, and I try to make the experience as easy as I can so that everyone can be a plant lover.”


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