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Local Facebook group recognizes 1-year anniversary with focus on hospitality industry support

Local Facebook group recognizes 1-year anniversary with focus on hospitality industry support

Sarah Sole

When Bridget Granger started the Support Central Ohio Restaurants group on Facebook, she thought the group would grow to maybe 100 members. 

Nearly a year since Granger founded the group during the state-mandated shutdown last March, Support Central Ohio Restaurants stands at about 45,000 members. 

“It really took off,” she said. 


Since the group’s inception, it has grown to include restaurant owners, large and small companies, servers, bartenders, and local supporters of Columbus’ hospitality industry, Granger said. 

Now, Granger is recognizing the Facebook group’s anniversary by suggesting simple things that group members could do to help local eateries around town. She’s naming March 14-20 Support Central Ohio Restaurants Week, and suggesting that group members consider getting carryout or dine-in meals one extra time that week, tipping a bit extra, and sharing on social media information about their favorite bars or restaurants. 

“It’s the little bits that we do that can make a really big impact,” she said. 


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