Well-known Columbus brewer brings new concept to Bridge Park

It’s appropriate that a van inspired the moniker for Seventh Son’s newest venture, The Getaway Brewing Co.
Collin Castore, who co-owns Seventh Son Brewing and Antiques on High along with Travis Spencer and Jen Burton, said Burton suggested the new brewery’s name because of the airbrushed, 1985 Dodge Getaway van the trio had made for Antiques on High.
“It just kind of clicked,” Castore said.
Getaway Brewing, the third establishment created by Castore, Spencer, and Burton, is slated to open in early April at 104 N. High St. in Dublin’s Bridge Park. As the name suggests, the brewery will feature house brews inspired by international flavor profiles.
Castore said he, Spencer, and Burton began planning The Getaway beginning in 2019. They got the funding together, only for COVID-19 to hit a week later.
“Everything was on hold,” he said.
But the trio began talking to Crawford Hoying this past fall, he said. They were looking for a more northern location, for Seventh Son customers in Dublin and Worthington.
The Getaway will feature 36 taps, Castore said. About 10 or 12 will be Getaway originals, and a few Seventh Son and Antiques on High brews will be featured as well, along with the popular Kitty Paw seltzers. Castore said they’ll be taking spice profiles from different parts of the world and working them into recipes for the new Getaway brews.
According to a press release from Crawford Hoying, Getaway was designed by Jenine Monks of Dune House Creative. The brewery will feature 3,900 square feet of interior space, with 1,000 square feet of exterior space that includes a greenhouse-style patio overlooking Indian Run and the Scioto River. The indoor bar will seat 20 people, and it will sit in front of a custom-built, 20-foot diorama of a road trip vacation scene.
“We’re just really looking forward to being able to bring a unique experience and some great beers to Dublin,” Castore said.
For more information, visit getawaybrewing.com.