Delaware County Sheriff’s Office employs miniature pony as therapy animal

If you could use an emotional boost right about now, we have you covered.
It’s time to meet Poppy.
In a social media post on Wednesday, the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office introduced its newest staff member: Poppy, a one year-old miniature therapy horse. Poppy and her handler, Officer Privett, have been training for last six months at Seven Oaks Farm in Hamilton, Ohio, the only place in the country to offer a comprehensive program designed specifically for miniature horses.
“You look into Poppy’s eyes and see acceptance without judgment, love without fear and pain. You pet her and you feel the warmth and peace,” Officer Privett said. “The unconditional love of a therapy animal is felt by all. They immediately change the mood of a tense or painful situation and magically provide a subtle sense of calm.”
Poppy and Officer Privett are scheduled to complete their training in the next several weeks, at which time Poppy will begin taking requests for special events and appearances.
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