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A new cafe has opened in Columbus, and it’s 85 square feet

A new cafe has opened in Columbus, and it’s 85 square feet

Jack McLaughlin

A new cafe has opened on the Northwest Side of Columbus, and the term cozy likely doesn’t do it justice.

That’s because Stonebrick Cafe, which is located at 999 Bethel Rd. and opened on June 2, is all of 85 square feet. 

According to owner Denisa Hodzic, Stonebrick is tiny inside, but she believes this only bolsters the new shop’s unique charm.


“Although it’s small, it makes you feel cozy instead of claustrophobic,” she said. “Everything is within reach, which makes making drinks very easy. Also, the shop gives off antique vibes which I love. Definitely a warm space, but all of that is possible because it’s a small place. I don’t think it would be the same if it was bigger.”

The new cafe offers hot and cold coffee drinks, frozen lattes, smoothies and energy drinks, in addition to pastries from the bakery of Der Dutchman, including donuts, cookies, muffins, cinnamon rolls and more. 

Stonebrick takes its name from the pair of faux-brick arches that were created by attaching panel board with a realistic brick exterior to one of the shop’s walls.

“I really wanted a place for people to feel comfortable and have those few minutes of peace of mind when having their first cup of coffee in the morning,” Hodzic said.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new July issue here!


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