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Grandview-area donut shop broken into, burglarized

Grandview-area donut shop broken into, burglarized

Jack McLaughlin

Although the wave of break-ins that hit North and West Side business late last year has slowed considerably, a popular Grandview business was victimized recently.

At approximately 4:30 a.m. on March 27, the door of Dragon Donuts’ Grandview-area location was forced open with a pry bar by an individual, according to Columbus Police. After entering, police say the burglar stole money from both the eatery’s cash register and a lock box.

Dragon Donuts is located at 1288 5th Ave. in Fifth by Northwest, just north of Grandview.


Police are still searching for a suspect in the case. If you have any information about the crime, contact  Columbus Police at 614-645-4780.

In the late fall and early winter of 2021, the Grandview area experienced a rash of similar incidents, with nearby small businesses like Basic Biscuits, Kindness & Coffee, Chocolate Cafe, and Keto Kave being burglarized as well.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new March issue here!


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