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Buckeyes football coach Ryan Day, wife Nina Day donate $1M to OSU mental health fund

Buckeyes football coach Ryan Day, wife Nina Day donate $1M to OSU mental health fund

Jack McLaughlin

Buckeyes head football coach Ryan Day and wife Nina have provided Ohio State’s Mental Health Resilience Fund with a seven-figure donation, according to a press release from the Werner Medical Center.

The Nina and Ryan Day Fund, which amounts to $1M, will be housed in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health.

“Supporting and building resilience in our fellow Buckeyes always has been a priority for Ohio State, but the past few years have made it more important than ever,” Ohio State President Kristina Johnson said in the press release. “I am so thankful to Nina and Ryan Day for their leadership and their generous gift. It will help us not only provide greater services and outreach, but to continue the fight against the stigma that too often discourages people in need from seeking help.”

For the Buckeye football coach, mental health is a personal topic, and one he and Nina Day have been regualr advocates for, as Ryan Day lost his father to suicide when he was eight years old.

“Nina and I both understand how important it is to have someone you can turn to for help and strength in times of difficulty,” Ryan Day said in the press release. “Our hope is that this fund will allow more Buckeyes to find the support they need to become more resilient.”

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