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Jack O’ Lantern world, featuring thousands of carved pumpkins, is coming to Columbus

Jack O’ Lantern world, featuring thousands of carved pumpkins, is coming to Columbus

Jack McLaughlin

This fall, visitors will be able to make their way through thousands of carved Jack O’ lanterns as they light up the central Ohio night.

The traveling event, called Jack O’ Lantern World, is coming to Columbus.

Jack O’ Lantern World will be held Sept. 29-Oct. 29 at the Franklin County Fairgrounds, which are is located at 4100 Columbia St. in Hilliard.


Beginning Sept. 6, Tickets can be purchased here.

Billed as an “incredible stroll through thousands of hand-carved Jack O’ lanterns,” the event will feature pumpkins from 50 different artists, established along a trail that winds through the fairgrounds.

It’s not just about quantity, either. Jack O’ Lantern World will feature multiple 1,000-plus pound pumpkins. According to the event’s website, it will highlight some of the largest pumpkins in the entire country.

Want to read more? Check out our print publications, (614) Magazine and Stock & Barrel. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new August issue here!

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