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Circleville family breaks state record for largest pumpkin ever grown in Ohio

Circleville family breaks state record for largest pumpkin ever grown in Ohio

Sav McKee

“It was a goosebump moment,” remarked Circleville Pumpkin Show’s Media Chair, Jenny Rhoads.

Dr. Bob Liggett and Jo Liggett broke an Ohio State Record with a 2,388.5 pound pumpkin yesterday at the Circleville Pumpkin Show’s contest. Not only was it a Pumpkin Show record and Ohio record, but it was Dr. Liggett’s personal record, which is why the event was very emotional, with hugs, kisses, and tears.

The previous record was set in 2014, by Dr. Liggett himself, with a pumpkin weighing 1,964 pounds. That proximity to 2,000 pounds kept Dr. Liggett motivated to break more records.


While some might think to themselves, c’mon, it’s just a pumpkin, Rhoads reminded us that this was a big deal to The Liggett family and the Circleville community. “His goal was always to reach 2,000 pounds. He’s put so much work into growing the largest pumpkin over the years, so it was just a great culmination of moments,” said Rhoads.

In second place was Mike & Dusti Helber, with a pumpkin weighing 1,963.5 pounds, and in third, Brandon Wiggins, with a whopping 1,707 pound pumpkin.

How many pumpkin pies do you think a 2,388.5 pound pumpkin could make?!

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