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Columbus parks rank lower than all other major Ohio cities on 2023 ParkScore list

Columbus parks rank lower than all other major Ohio cities on 2023 ParkScore list

Jack McLaughlin

According to the 2023 ParkScore rankings, which is calculated every year by the national nonprofit Trust for Public Land, Columbus has the 56th-best parks out of the country’s 100 most populous cities.

Compared to Ohio’s other largest cities by population (the study included Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus and Toledo), The Arch City held the lowest total score: a 49.6 out of 100 possible points.

Scores for other Ohio cities include:

Cincinnati: 76.9, 6th nationally
Cleveland: 60.5, 26th nationally
Toledo: 54.9, 40th nationally


One thing Columbus park supporters could point to is the fact that ParkScore only accounts for parks within a city’s municipal boundaries, meaning popular spots like Three Creeks Metro Park, High Banks Metro Park and others were not included in the city’s score.

Columbus received its best score in the Acreage category, and its worst in the Invest category, with the data claims that $98 per person is spent on parks in Columbus annually.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new June issue here!


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