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Massive egg vending machine dispensing original artwork, other unique prizes, opens Downtown

Massive egg vending machine dispensing original artwork, other unique prizes, opens Downtown

Jack McLaughlin

To celebrate its 150th birthday, the Columbus Metropolitan Library has brought a unique new interactive art public art installation to Columbus.

Did we mention that a gigantic egg vending machine is involved.

Known as Egg Prize, the machine dispenses plastic eggs filled with a variety of mini pieces of art known as Chipies, in addition to other prizes including magnets, pins and stickers that feature local artwork. Each Egg Prize egg costs 50 cents.


You can learn more about Egg Prize, which creates similar egg-dispensing vending machines across the country, here.

The Egg Prize machine is located just east of the intersection of West Town Street na North High Street, near The Columbus Commons. Egg Prize will be in Columbus until early September.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new June issue here!


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