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This annual Columbus-area festival features a dodgeball-style “Tomato War:” Here’s how to participate

This annual Columbus-area festival features a dodgeball-style “Tomato War:” Here’s how to participate

Jack McLaughlin

Whether or not all of us will admit it, nearly every one of us has dreamt of tossing a ripe tomato to watch it splatter across someone else. Did you know that one central Ohio festival allows you to actually do this, though?

The Reynoldsburg Tomato Festival has been held since 1966, and each iteration of the festival has included its highly-popular Tomato War.

The original Tomato War in 1966 was held as a tomato fight between local Democrats and Republicans. Since then, the event has evolved into a dodgeball-style contest between teams.


“At this must-see event, you will watch as teams of 5 go head-to-head in a dodgeball style tournament to be this year’s champs. However, instead of rubber balls, they’ll be throwing tomatoes!,” the Reynoldsburg Tomato Festival website reads. 

Each team must register ahead of time. Registration, which costs $25, can be completed here, although it ends on Aug. 9. After the contest, kids will be invited to “get into the action” for free.

This Tomato Festival, which features a host of other tomato-related events, food and live music, will be held Aug. 10-12. The Tomato War will take place Aug. 11 at 6 p.m. on Davidson Drive.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new June issue here!


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