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Nearly 40 year-old central Ohio festival abruptly canceled this year; Long-term future uncertain

Nearly 40 year-old central Ohio festival abruptly canceled this year; Long-term future uncertain

Jack McLaughlin

Billed as “Hilliard’s flagship festival,” Old Hilliardfest has been taking place since 1985, but it will not take place in 2023, and its long-term future is not currently clear.

Late last week, the group behind the festival, the Hilliard Civic Association (HCA), announced that this year’s festival will not be held.

“The Hilliard Civic Association, the proud organizers of the Old Hilliardfest Art & Street Fair, wish to reiterate our profound disappointment and regret over the cancellation of this beloved event for the year 2023. For nearly four decades, the Old Hilliardfest has been a cherished tradition, fostering a strong sense of community and celebrating the rich artistic and cultural heritage of Hilliard,” a statement from the HCA reads.


The cancellation was announced roughly a month and a half before the festival was slated to kick off on Sept. 9.

The Hilliard Civic Association cited the closure of “countless small businesses post-pandemic” and the impact inflation has had on the event’s fixed costs as reasons for the cancellation.

Additionally, the HCA noted that the group does not at this time have “immediate plans” to hold the festival next year, and will reevaluate the future of the celebration.

“The cancellation of this year’s festival has prompted us to reevaluate and strategize for the future. Our dedicated organizers will be engaging in discussions to explore the possibilities and envision what lies ahead for this cherished community tradition,” the statement reads.

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