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Surprise! One of Ohio’s largest sunflower fields will unexpectedly reopen for one more weekend

Surprise! One of Ohio’s largest sunflower fields will unexpectedly reopen for one more weekend

Jack McLaughlin

If you missed Lynd Fruit Farms Sunflower Festival this year—the event took place last weekend at Lynd’s Pataskala property—you still have one more chance.

According to a Lynd employee, the popular farm and U-pick destination will be reopening its sunflower field for three more days this season: this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

This weekend’s opening is not an extension of Lynd’s annual Sunflower Festival (which took place last weekend), but its massive field named The Patch on 37 will be open to the public.


“Sunflowers are looking better than expected  this 3rd week so we decided to re-open the patch. While most are past peak, the giant KONG sunflowers are just peaking and look amazing,” Lynd’s website reads.

Until yesterday, the popular central Ohio farm was unsure if the sunflower field would be able to open this weekend, but after assessing the remaining flowers, Lynd has decided to reopen the field Sept. 1-3.

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