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This Ohio city is home to one of the largest crow migrations in the world, and there’s a festival celebrating it

This Ohio city is home to one of the largest crow migrations in the world, and there’s a festival celebrating it

Jack McLaughlin

Year after year, migratory crows flock to Mansfield in enormous numbers, and while nobody knows exactly why this happens, now there’s a festival to celebrate it.

Crowfest 2023 will take place at the Mansfield Arts Center on Oct. 14, from 12-4 p.m. It’s free to attend. 

According to Mansfield Art Center Marketing & Development DIrector Jennifer Beavis, the center began the festival just last year, after watching droves of crows fly into the Ohio city for decades.


“We’ve had this annual crow migration for as long as the arts center has been here, since it was built in 1971.The crows arrive all over Mansfield, but we have eight acres of woods, so they hang out and the sound is deafening,” she said.

Crowfest 2023 will feature a massive amount of crow-related art, food trucks, craft beer and more. It will feature artwork by actual crows from the Ohio Bird Sanctuary, and selfie opportunities with the “incredibly creepy” Mansfield Birdman.

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