Not one, but two central Ohio residents will be featured on the new season of ‘MasterChef’

The 13th season of MasterChef on Fox officially kicked off last week, and two Columbus-area residents are in the mix this year.
Both Charles Calvino, a Columbus-based hair stylist. And Wayne Lewis, the Publisher of (614) Magazine and 614Now, are set to square up against a field of talented chefs on the show’s newest season.
For those not in the know, MasterChef is hosted by Gordon Ramsey and judged by fellow food celebrities Aaron Sanchez and Joe Bastianich. This season, titled United Tastes of America, features home chefs from across the country who are competing by region.
On this season’s May 24th debut, chefs from the Northeast battled for aprons and a chance to continue in the competition. Tomorrow at 8 p.m. on Fox, home chefs in the Midwest region will do the same. Both Calvino and Lewis are in the Midwest region, and we sat down for a quick interview with them ahead of tomorrow’s episode.
Wayne Lewis, follow @60minutechef

614Now: What do you do for work when not in the kitchen?
Wayne Lewis: Jack already knows the answer to this! I’m the founder/owner of 614 Media Group. We publish the city’s best magazines – (614) and Stock & Barrel, the most popular daily email (614Now) and our many events including Restaurant Week. It’s amazing to be part of a team of creatives who are obsessed with showcasing the best of our growing city each and every day!
614Now: Favorite food to cook and why?
WL: This is a tough one because I love so many styles of food. So I’ll say my favorite is anything new. Experimenting with new recipes is what I love most – the process of learning, tweaking and perfecting a dish is really my form of expression in the kitchen.
614Now: Favorite food to eat and why?
WL: Another trick question! But if I’m forced to answer I’d have to say… breakfast. There’s just something about a great cup of coffee with a plate of salty bacon, sweet French Toast, rich, creamy eggs and tangy fruit that does it for me.
614Now: How would you define Midwest cuisine?
WL: The Midwest is a very diverse region when it comes to food. What we may lack in year-round produce like the West or the seafood of the coastal regions, we make up for in creativity and diversity on the plate. Especially in Columbus, the “melting pot” of the Midwest, we have so many options to explore our diverse ethnic cuisines or enjoy a big, fat steak. But man, do we love our tacos!
614Now: How did you get into cooking, and what do you like about it?
WL: I didn’t grow up in a “foodie” household. But when I moved down South for college, the flavors and culture of Louisiana really hooked me into food. The incredible flavors, spices and character of that cuisine absolutely captivated me and led me on a life-long journey to train myself in the art of cooking. That was 25 years ago and thousands of hours in the kitchen, on the grill and BBQ pit later. I love cooking because of the freedom of expression it grants and that it offers an unlimited ability to challenge yourself to improve upon a dish or technique.
614Now: Do you prefer cooking great food or eating great food more?
WL: This one is easy! I definitely enjoy the hustle and artistry of cooking over eating. I might spend 12 hours doing a low-and-slow BBQ meal for friends and will barely eat a full plate. Watching others enjoy the fruits of your labor seems to fill me up just fine. Don’t get me wrong, you put anything Key Lime in front of me, it’s gonna vanish!
Charles Calvino, follow @charlescalvino

614Now: What do you do for work when not in the kitchen?
Charles Calvino: When I’m not in the kitchen, playing with fire, I help people feel good about themselves by doing their hair. I am a traveling hair stylist.
614Now: Favorite food to cook and why?
CC: The most favorite kind of food I like to work with would have to be seafood. It’s because they cook very fast! The faster the food is done the faster it gets eaten.
614Now: Favorite food to eat and why?
CC: My favorite food to eat would have to be pho because you can have the best of both worlds inside one bowl! Good quality beef, and good quality seafood. It can be hot or cold weather. We eat them year-round.
614Now: How would you define Midwest cuisine?
CC: Midwest cuisine is regional! I believe it’s influenced by Northern Europe and also native America. We are big on locally grown organic produce and is filled with cultural diversity.
614Now: How did you get into cooking, and what do you like about it?
CC: I got into cooking when I was younger. My mom and dad didn’t really allow us to play outside much due to living in not the best areas in California so I would watch my mom cook every day after school while she would shoooo me away but I didn’t listen then she knew I was going to be her number one sous chef. What I like about cooking as you can build this whole recipe in your head and bring it to life is what excites me. Having fun being artsy with it seeing everyone’s face light up once it’s brought to them. That’s what I enjoy most.
614Now: Do you prefer cooking great food or eating great food more?
CC: I’m extra I’d like to do both! Realistically I love eating, but there is a whole lot more to it when eating with a big family that wants your cooking all the time. I really do enjoy feeding my friends and family when I can. It’s honestly a free gift from me. But like any giver I like my gift to be appreciated with recipes I create.
Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new May issue here!