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Popular Columbus concept sells both of its locations, but teases “one of a kind” Italian Village restaurant opening soon

Popular Columbus concept sells both of its locations, but teases “one of a kind” Italian Village restaurant opening soon

Jack McLaughlin

While owner Terek Albast has sold both operational locations of his Lebanese restaurant concepts, Mr. Hummus Grill, this is far from the last we’ll see of him on the Arch City’s food scene.

 According to the local restaurateur, he’s on the verge of opening a “one of a kind” Italian Village eatery. Albast said this concept, which will operate as a separate concept from Mr. Hummus Grill, is coming “very soon,” although he did not release details about what exactly it will be or when it plans to open.

Albast said he plans to publicly reveal details of the new Italian Village location soon.


Mr. Hummus Grill will also have a location within New Albany’s Bubbly Hall, which he believes will open before the end of the month.

While waiting for his new locations to launch, Albast is without an operational restaurant space. Both locations of Mr. Hummus Grill–one in Grandview and the other on Bethel Road–have been sold to the same owner, a Middle eastern restaurant called Kebab Hummus Grill.

The owners of Kebab Hummus Grill confirmed the purchase of both locations. The new eatery’s Bethel Road restaurant opened for business on Feb. 12, but it’s unclear when the Grandview space will open.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new February issue here!


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