According to new study, Ohio is one of the least healthy states in the country

A new study from HubScore has ranked each of the country’s states from most to least healthy, and Ohio is near the bottom of the list.
According to the study, Ohio is the 42nd healthiest state in the country, one spot behind Indiana at 41, and just in front of Tennessee at 43.
The study ranked states using a number of criteria, including mortality rates, disease prevalence and more.
According to HubScore, Ohio ranked 41st in mortality rates, 44th in disease prevention, 41st in citizen health, 30th in healthcare quality and 25th in physical environment.
Additionally, three states bordering Ohio were also ranked among the country’s least healthy, including Indiana (41st), Kentucky (47th) and West Virginia (49th). The country’s least healthy state was Mississippi, with Hawaii taking the title of healthiest state.
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