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Teen catches giant 101-pound fish in Ohio, pending new state record

Teen catches giant 101-pound fish in Ohio, pending new state record

Sav McKee

Back in 2009, Chris Rolph broke a new state record by catching a catfish weighing in at a whopping 96 pounds and 54.6 inches long.

But now, a 15-year-old girl from New Richmond, Ohio could have possibly broken that record. On April 7, Jaylynn Parker hooked a catfish in the Ohio River using the jugging method – and she was in for a surprise.

The giant river monster weighed in at a massive 101.11 pounds, 56 inches long, and 39 inches in girth, according to Bethel Feed’s certified scale, pending a new state record. 


“He was successfully released back into the Ohio River with very stable health. He should have no troubles in living out the rest of his life back in the wild,” said Jalynn’s mother, Kristin Powell Parker on Facebook.

Kristin Parker took to social media to document the entire process. Check out the photos below!

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