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Goodbyes are never easy, neither are rejection letters

Goodbyes are never easy, neither are rejection letters

Grady Libertini

What was it like the last time you were rejected? Was it from a crush? A scholarship? Were you rushing Greek life? What about an application for your dream job?

The semester is coming to an end and whether it’s a summer internship or a full-time job you are looking for, one thing you cannot avoid is the dreaded hiring process. From the good old, automated rejection letter to the classic blocked, ghosted, and left in the dark, there are so many different techniques that employers are using to find just the right candidate that fits their needs.

 Here are a few to look out for.

Vetoed Veterans: Imagine being turned away after showing up with everything you needed and more. You have experience with everything listed in the job description and know your background sets you apart, so you go ahead and apply with confidence. Feeling prepared throughout an interview process is great, and getting comfortable chatting with Linda from HR feels even better but can be the worst trap you ever fall into. Although she might look at you during that Zoom call making you feel like the most interesting person in the world with great experience and a unique background, the reality is that she doesn’t give a damn and has already sent the offer letter to her best friend’s daughter. Going into an interview feeling like you have mastered everything can backfire immediately, so proceed with caution. All you need to do is be coachable, highlight your willingness to learn, and have a mom who knows everyone.

Cast Aside by Code: With AI on the rise, it’s likely your resume gets lost in the algorithm seconds after applying, so make sure to use those meticulous keywords and do your research before getting the virtual veto. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) have given recruiters the tools to gauge everything they need to know about you before they even meet you, reminding them, that they don’t need to meet you in the first place. It’s a harsh reality, but that automated rejection letter is likely a bot kindly giving you the digital dump. You know what they say though- don’t take it personally.


The Interminable Interview: I know logging into Buckeye Link with the Duo mobile verification is already a bother, so don’t even get me started with the six-step interview process. Two calls with a recruiter just to have an official Zoom meeting, to then move on to the same routine with the hiring manager, to finally talk with executives who just might give you an offer by the time the leaves are starting to fall. Trust me, I know that sounds absolutely insane, but you’ll believe it when you see it. If you make it through that treacherous journey, honestly, congratulations, but if you are constantly getting lost in that storm of month-long conversations that lead to nowhere, this is your sign to start that passion project and a reminder to never give up.

For those of you who already secured that summer internship or first big-boy job fresh out of college, kindly, this is not for you. If you are among those who are tired of shady recruiters, done getting played by a month-long interview process, or thought after 100’s of no’s you would have that one yes, this is your notice that it happens to the best of us.

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