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‘(614)’ partners with Strange Columbus to explore the weird history of Short North

‘(614)’ partners with Strange Columbus to explore the weird history of Short North

Jack McLaughlin

The arches lining High Street in the Short North are now a defining feature of the city’s arts district, but have you ever wondered what they’re for?

If you said carrying water or using the position of the sun to triangulate important dates on the lunar calendar, you’d be, well, wrong.


To get to the bottom of the why the Arch City actually has arches, 614Now teamed up with Strange Columbus creator Chad Pearce, who hit High Street to ask Columbus residents themselves what they thought of the arches’ provenance, and later dove into their actual historical purpose, which is a little bit all over the place if we’re being honest.

You can check out the video for yourself below.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new February issue here!


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