‘Forbes’ lists Columbus as one of top 10 cities to move to in 2024; here’s where & why we ranked

Sav McKee

Most of us reading this probably already reside in Columbus, or at least, very close to it. Lucky for us, we’re on trend, according to Forbes Magazine.

In their most recent list of “The Best Cities to Move to in 2024,” they ranked Columbus as the tenth best city, based on housing costs, cost of living, crime rates, air quality, quality of education, median income, employment rates, weather, entertainment establishments, average commute time and net migration to the city.


Forbes gave Columbus a total score of 74.63/100. They listed our median monthly housing costs as $1,203, an employment rate of 97%, and a median family income of $63,284. 

We feel pretty lucky that we’re already here. Now, send this to your friend in L.A. you’ve been begging to move to Columbus!

Here’s the total list of Forbes’ Best Cities to Move to in 2024:

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