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Easton Town Center suing one of their restaurant tenants

Easton Town Center suing one of their restaurant tenants

Sav McKee

According to documents from the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas, Easton Town Center is suing one of their restaurant tenants and its owner.

Melt Bar and Grilled, along with owner Matthew Fish, is being sued by Easton for over $200,000 according to the court documents. The lawsuit alleges that the grilled cheese restaurant known for mile-high sandwiches missed rent payments and other lease charges. 

No photo description available.
Photo via Melt Bar & Grilled’s Facebook


The unpaid rent and lease charges amount to $201, 603 total, but Easton is also demanding compensation for fees, interest, plus the minimum amount of rent repayments for a total of 12 months, so the actual cost amounts to $223,662.

The first time Easton served Melt a written notice for a breach of its lease was on Nov. 9, 2023, says the court documents. The second one was served April 10, 2024, and Easton alleges that Melt has since not cured their breach.

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