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Four Ohio cities make list of “most miserable” in the country

Four Ohio cities make list of “most miserable” in the country

Jack McLaughlin

According to a new list published by Daily Choices, a total of four Ohio cities made their list of the “most miserable” in the country.

According to the website, census data was used in the compilation of the list, but the exact metrics aren’t clear.

A total of 100 cities were named in the story, which was published last month. You can read the full list here, or check out the Ohio mentions below.


Daily Choices: “At one time, Youngstown was one of the biggest steel producers in the United States. In fact, only two other cities produced more steel than Youngstown. In 1977, however, the industry took a hit, and the work began to see the end of the industrial era and opened its gates to welcome the technology days. The steel factory started downsizing, leading to massive job losses that greatly affected the prosperity of the city.”

Daily Choices: “Mansfield used to be considered quite a prosperous city. But when the GM factory closed its doors, the town took a turn for the worst. Without the ready availability of industrial jobs, many workers were left without an income or an opportunity to earn money. Once a person is unemployed, it is very difficult to climb back up onto the employment ladder, and this is exactly what is happening here.”

Daily Choices: “Warren, Ohio, heavily relied on a GM plant in town to create jobs for local workers. When the plant closed, a large chunk of the population lost their jobs. The closure marked a severe downturn for the entire city. Across the entire country, Warren has the second-highest rate of people struggling to find food.”

Daily Choices: “In 2010, Cleveland was dubbed the most miserable city in the U.S. by Forbes. More than ten years later, its reputation hasn’t changed at all. Commonly known as ‘the mistake by the lake’ about its proximity to Lake Erie, Cleveland isn’t a place anyone wants to live.”

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