Watch Chloe the Westerville PD therapy K9 make her Super Bowl pick (although she is 0-3)

Chlose, an English lab and therapy K9 for the Westerville Police Department, may not have the best track record when it comes to Super Bowl picks, but we have a feeling this is going to be her year.
Plus, as they say, the NFL is a “what have you done for me lately” kind of league, so the last few years shouldn’t matter, right?
“Chloe doesn’t have the best track record, but we think this is her year to make the right pick,” said Westerville Community Affairs Manager Mariah Beidleman. “This year, Chloe put her people skills to work; studying both teams’ strengths and weaknesses to make the right selection.”
According to Beidleman, Chloe’s Super Bowl picks began in 2021 when the Westerville PD launched its therapy dog program. On a typical day, she can be found in Westerville City Schools with her handler, Officer Wojciechowski, who serves as the District’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program manager. She also provides emotional support for grieving students, first responders and more.
“Chloe has a naturally calming disposition so her presence provides a sense of calm for everyone who interacts with her. Kids and adults, alike, seem to light up as soon as Chloe enters a room or when they interact with her at community events. She’s quickly become a gentle, unifying staple in the community,” Beidleman said.
You can take a peek at Chloe’s pick below:
And even though we’d like Skyle Shannan to get a Super Bowl ring, we’re backing Chloe this weekend. Let’s go Chiefs!
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