Here are five of our favorite things to do with kids at the Ohio State Fair
The Ohio State Fair will run through this weekend, which means there’s still plenty of time to take in one of Columbus’ most iconic annual activities.
Following a trip to the fair with my daughters, I’ve compiled a list of we found to be the top 5 fair activities to do with kids at the Ohio State Fair. Get out there!
Butterfly House
While it’s hard to pick just one thing within ODNR’s Natural Resources Park for the little ones (and to be fair, we picked two), getting up close and personal with some of our native Ohio plants and butterfly species seems to have an allure with the little ones that’s nearly unbeatable.
Fair Food
No matter what age you are, there’s something magical about walking down the midway that’s lined with unique—often times even over-indulgent (it’s once a year, come on!)—items. My daughter’s favorites? A hot, fresh bucket of miniature donuts and an icy State Fair lemonade.
The Petting Zoo
While the nearby pig races were a spectacle in their own right, the free petting zoo—located within Kiddieland—featured more than 50 different animals from around the world, including zebras, kangaroos, goats, multiple different cow breeds and much more. Entrance is free, and a $5 cup of carrots will give the kids something to do for a considerable amount of time.
Kayak Pond
ODNR’s annual fishing pond is a tried-and-true favorite, but its Kayak Pond should definitely not be overlooked. While it’s an activity for kids who are a bit older—the minimum height required to ride is 50 inches—it’s a blast for parents and kids alike.
Little Farmers
Anything with a free prize at the end will probably be a hit, but this interactive exhibit, located on the Voinovich Livestock & Trade Center Lawn, gives kids a chance to run around freely, have fun and maybe even learn a thing or two. Kids move between eight different hands-on exhibits (each in its own miniature barn) dedicated to different aspects of Ohio agriculture.
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