On The Town: Restaurant Week

Over the last half-decade, the only constant for Columbus’s culinary scene has been the non-constant, as a blizzard of restaurant and bar openings and closings keep diners’ heads and GPS spinning.
That’s why Restaurant Week is here to make sure that twice a year the capital city’s hungry hordes can keep tabs on the area’s tastes.
And as the city’s food and drink scene has grown, so has our not-so-little Restaurant Week. Now featuring 120-plus establishments and serving approximately 135,000-150,000 customers fresh fare from special fixe prix menus, RWC has helped put a boost into service industry slow months—not to mention a total of $80,000 for the Mid-Ohio Foodbank.
This month, as we celebrate our 15th Restaurant Week, we present a small sample of the hundreds of dishes presented, focusing on a few hopping Grandview spots.