Swarm of OSU Freshmen Descend onto Campus; Townies Already Dismayed

by 614now Staff
August 19, 2016

“Stretch out your hand over Columbus so that locusts swarm over the land and devour everything growing in the fields, everything left by the hail.” – Exodus on the incoming OSU freshmen
Just kidding! Freshmen aren’t that bad. Yet…
Today saw the first wave of OSU freshmen moving into their dorms. These students aren’t your typical freshmen, no – these guys are part of the Ohio State Welcome Leaders program. They’re like super freshmen.
They’re essentially going to unload cars for the 14,500 students who are set to arrive tomorrow. Which sounds like an utter shitshow (pardon my language.) Let that number sink in, 14,500 students.
Suffice to say, High Street & Lane Avenue are warzones right now, with bumper to bumper traffic.
A university spokesman advised drivers to avoid the campus area this afternoon and again on Saturday. Duh.
Classes begin August 23.