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Baby (insert name here) struts his stuff at Columbus Zoo

Baby (insert name here) struts his stuff at Columbus Zoo

Lori Schmidt

It’s the kind of journalism Anchorman’s Ron Burgundy would be proud of—but instead of the compelling and rich “Panda Watch” that Burgundy and his buddies from the fictional KVWN channel 4 covered, (614) Media was on actual giraffe watch Friday morning.

The most recent addition to the Columbus Zoo, a baby giraffe yet to be named, was born June 28, and was set to meet the public for the first time at 9:30 a.m.  

Mother Zuri and father Enzi taunted reporters while we waited.

There were other giraffes who kindly kept us company.

No sighting, though, of the 2-month old, until finally, after 56 minutes, little baby Whatshisface showed himself. 

It turns out the endangered male Masai giraffe calf wasn’t shy at all. He did hang out with his family for a bit.

However, he was soon jauntily spronking all over the yard he had just been allowed into for the first time.

Now you, too, can enjoy your own version of giraffe watch. 

Guests are currently able to see Zuri and her calf on a limited basis. There’s no set viewing schedule, but the best bet of seeing them is to be there right as the Zoo opens. 

Tickets can be purchased here.


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