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Columbus craft cidery introduces CBD-infused apple cider

Columbus craft cidery introduces CBD-infused apple cider

Jack McLaughlin

Mad Moon Hard Cider is the oldest–and for a time was the only–-craft cidery in the Columbus area.

But that doesn’t mean they’re unwilling to try out something new from time to time.

Recently, Mad Moon partnered with High Street CBD to release Happy Soul, a non-alcoholic apple cider infused with 22mg of CBD.


“What separates us is the fact that most of the CBD drinks out there are sparkling water-based, and ours uses a cider,” said Mad Moon owner Peter Moon. “You also see almost every product with a neat amount of CBD; ours isn’t 20mg, it’s 22mg.”

According to Moon, who uses CBD himself, the partnership came about after he visited High Street CBD and tried its products.

 “I got to talking with them, and one day we said, ‘We should make a drink with cider and add CBD to it, and make it actually delicious,” he said.

Happy Soul is available in cans at High Street CBD and a handful of stores in Columbus, including the Hills Market and Weiland’s Market. It will also be available on draft at the Mad Moon taproom.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new May issue here!


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