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From shamrock push pops to corned beef pizza, check out our list of the most interesting St. Patrick’s Day specials in Columbus

From shamrock push pops to corned beef pizza, check out our list of the most interesting St. Patrick’s Day specials in Columbus

Jack McLaughlin

Mikey’s Late Night Slice, The Magical Reuben

We can always count on Mikey’s Late Night Slice to bring out something weird and wonderful for the holidays, and St. Patrick’s Day is no exception. Their Magical Reuben Pizza is exactly what it sounds like: a reuben sandwich on a pizza. It includes corned beef, sauerkraut,  thousand island dressing, swiss cheese, caraway seeds and a drizzle of Unicorn Sauce for good measure. It will be served until March 20.

Little Kitchen, Shamrock Shake

Shamrock. Shake. Do we really need to say anything else?

Little Kitchen, the popular plant-focused restaurant located in Dublin’s Bridge Park, offers a mouthwatering array of milkshakes regularly–from cake batter to cold brew coffee–so we’re more than ready for the eatery’s take on the classic Shamrock Shake, which is only available today.


Pitabilities, Corned Beef Pita

“An Irish chef and a Greek chef both walk into a bar.”

Bad jokes aside, this is where we envision this seasonal Pitabilties special came from. But no matter how or why it started, this one is cultural fusion at its finest. While it boasts many of the same ingredients you’ll recognize from the classic reuben, swapping out rye bread for a pita is a great way to take the edge off for those who aren’t a fan of its assertive taste.

Short North Pint House, Shamrock Push Pops

In true St. Patrick’s Day spirit, Short North Pint House has taken a childhood favorite and infused it with alcohol. Available until March 19 as a part of the restaurant’s annual bar crawl, these boozy, bright green push pops will recall memories of childhood while having fun in a way that only adults should. And if Push Pops aren’t your thing, you can always opt for a glass of green beer, which Short North Pint House will have no shortage of this weekend. 

Lion’s Cub Cookies, assorted St. Patrick’s Day cookies

The popular Grandview-based cookie shop Lion’s Cub is releasing not one, but four different St. Patrick’s day treats for this week. They include a collaboration cookie with Stauf’s Coffee that highlights chocolate and coffee flavors, a mint riff on its cookies n’ cream cookie, the Shamrock Sugar, and the Lucky Lion, which incorporates Lucky Charms cereal and a marshmallow treat frosting swirl on top. These four cookies will be available until March 20.

JT’s Pizza & Pub, Reuben Egg Roll

While JT’s Pizza & Pub is usually known first for its pizza, it’s one of the Northwest Side eatery’s side dishes that’s making our St. Patrick’s Day cut. The pizzeria’s reuben egg rolls, which are available all month, combine house braised corned beef, sauerkraut and baby Swiss cheese with a side of thousand island dipping sauce. Like Miley’s Late Night Slice, JT’s is also offering a Reuben pizza this month, in case you wanted your entire dinner to remain on theme.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new March issue here!


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