Off the heels of this Columbus-area card game company’s smash hit “Kids Against Maturity,” a brand new game is being launched

“Warning: Not recommended for humorless hover-parents,” a tag line on the smash-hit card game “Kids Against Maturity” reads.
As you may be able to infer, the game embraces the best of lowbrow humor in a way that resonates with both adults and children alike.
Created by the budding Plain City-based game company Nutt Heads, “Kids Against Maturity”, creates an atmosphere similar to “Cards Against Humanity” that’s watered down just enough for the whole family.
You can learn the details of the game here, but it works similarly to “Cards Against Humanity”, with players creating their own humorous card pairings every round from a nearly endless combination of options.
“There’s a lot of humor that’s universal, and when players can be the ones making the decisions, making the jokes themselves, we think it’s a lot more fun for everyone,” founder Chad Boyles said.
The game, which was introduced last year, has been such a hit that it was listed as one of the best-selling card games during Amazon’s Prime Day. It currently has more than 32,000 reviews on Amazon alone.
And the quirky local card gamers aren’t resting on their laurels, either.
While Nutt Heads has several other concepts in the works, it’s preparing to release a brand new game, “Joke King” through Target stores.
The new game will retain the sparse and loveable aesthetic of “Kids Against Maturity” while embracing a comic-strip style format. Players combine their cards—both horizontally and vertically—to create unique comic narratives, and like Nutt Heads’ last effort, the lowbrow humor we all love (secretly or not) is on full display.
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