5 of OSU’s nichest, weirdest clubs

“It’s a big campus, but there’s truly a club for everyone,” is something every OSU tour guide tells prospective students, and after a look into OSU’s Student Org page, you’ll see that statement is absolutely true.
No matter how niche a student’s interest is, there’s a place for everyone on campus.
From Oyster Club to a Mob Pop Culture club, here’s a list of the top ten weirdest clubs at OSU.
Oyster Club
Recently founded, OSU’s first Oyster Club was inspired by club president, Derek
Mingmongkol’s, love for seafood, which faced adversity from a sudden fish allergy. After this sad incident, Mingmongkol “fell in love” with oysters and created this club to find others who share this adoration. According to Mingmongkol, “Each type of oyster is completely unique” and they are so excited to find others who agree. There’s nothing fishy about that!
Mob History and Pop Culture Club
If you’re a fan of The Godfather, this club is for you. Founded by Gianni DeLucia, this club was inspired by a time she screened The Godfather and “ordered Italian takeout food” which “everyone loved.” DeLucia wants to explore the real history of organized crime and not romanitize it, as many films do. As an avid fan of mafia films, DeLucia is excited to find more people who share her niche interest. That sounds like an offer you won’t be able to refuse!
Paranormal Club
If you’re drawn to the strange and unusual, this club is perfect for you. Paranormal Club is a great way to meet others who also like to discuss the supernatural and explore mysterious places. Current president, Matthew Takacs, “would love to have” his “own paranormal experience before graduating.” According to Takacs, the club is “3 years old now” and is a great place to “make new friends.” This club sounds like the perfect place for students to have a spookily good time.
Psychedelic Association
This club sounds pretty trippy! According to President, Noah Holmes, it is meant to “bring people with personal, social, and/or academic experiences with psychedelic substances together” and seeks to provide a safe space to discuss their experiences and the effects psychedelics have on mental health. So far, the craziest experience Holmes has had in the club was doing a breath exercise, which “at first it was a little weird,” but after a while everyone was able to feel a lot more comfortable with each other. They want to have meetings with yoga and sound baths and are quite focused on the mental health of all members.
Spongebob Squarepants Club
If you’re an avid fan of Spongebob, this is the place for you! Meant to build a safe and
welcoming community for Spongebob lover’s, this club does it all; from playing games to exploring the deep impact Spongebob has left on the lives of many people in Gen Z. They are very active on campus, and their next meeting is on November 9th. Make sure to bring your favorite catch phrases and a crabby patty and you’ll definitely have a spongetastic time!