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Ohio ranks as one of the least-fit states in the country; Find out where Columbus ranks among Ohio cities

Ohio ranks as one of the least-fit states in the country; Find out where Columbus ranks among Ohio cities

Jack McLaughlin

While the Buckeye State is one of the least fit states in the country, according to a recent study, Columbus’ relative fitness level in regards to other Ohio cities is along the best.

The study, which was created by, relied on Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data to determine Ohio is the 45th fittest state in the country, although Columbus is the 3rd most fit metropolitan area within the state.

On the national level, only Indiana, Alabama, Kentucky, West Virginia and Mississippi were less fit than Ohio.


Within the Buckeye state, however, Columbus was the third-fittest metropolitan area, coming in behind Boardman and Kettering 

To determine the overall fitness score of each state and city, the study considered health habits, self-reported health, exercise habits, obesity rates and more.

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