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Breakfast concept known for handheld sandwiches finds a permanent location on Summit Street

Breakfast concept known for handheld sandwiches finds a permanent location on Summit Street

Sav McKee

Hands are the new forks, according to Nicholas Alston, the mind behind Clutch Handheld Breakfast. Clutch has been slinging breakfast sandwiches and classic sides for the past couple of years, but they’ve fully transitioned from a ghost kitchen to a permanent spot in South Hudson, in a food truck right next to SoHud Collective, at 2519 Summit Street.

Alston always had a vision of establishing a food truck business model, and he actually bought the truck last July. Clutch originally opened in December of 2020 and operated out of 1400 Food Lab, but it has officially graduated from a cloud kitchen. Alston is ecstatic that what he imagined for his breakfast business is finally coming to fruition. 

“Brunch and breakfast have always been my favorites, so I wanted to bring something that would be fun, flavorful, executed well, and accessible here to Columbus,” explained Alston. His passion for breakfast foods is evident in his concoctions like the spicy chorizo muffin and the mouthwatering breakfast cheesesteak. If none of that sounds like your breakfast preference, modifications and additions are encouraged at this food truck. 


Alston’s next goal is to revamp his menu to add more exciting combinations, add ons, and specials of the month. As for July’s special, Alston is still perfecting it, but he did give us a hint: think of a pancake & burrito hybrid. 

Clutch is Alston’s passion project and side hustle, so for now, the hours still remain Thursdays and Fridays from 7:30am until 2pm. However, because of the food truck’s proximity to SoHud Collective, a vintage flea market pop-up, there are some Saturdays that you can snag one of these unique handheld sandwiches, including Saturday, July 15th. Alston emphasizes that Clutch is a slow growing machine, and more hours and menu items will arise, but for now, everything is strategic and carefully planned.

The new location and food truck concept has worked in Clutch’s favor. “Word is getting out, which is just awesome. And since we’re now in a more visible spot instead of hidden away in a kitchen, more people are finally seeing us and getting to try out our food,” said Alston. 

That sounds pretty clutch to us. For more information, like how to order online, follow Clutch on their Instagram or check out their website.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new June issue here!


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