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Columbus eatery introduces new bright pink, Barbie-themed hot dog

Columbus eatery introduces new bright pink, Barbie-themed hot dog

Jack McLaughlin

With Gretta Gerwig’s new Barbie interpretation taking the box office by storm in its recent debut, Columbus is in the midst of Barbie fever. So much so, that even our hot dogs reflect it.

Dirty Frank’s Hot Dog Palace, long known for its embrace of the weird, wild and culinary, released a new Barbie-inspired hot dog that will be available for a limited time only.

Yesterday, the eatery unveiled its new Barbie Dream Dog, a hot dog topped with bacon bits, lettuce, tomato and hot pink sriracha mayo.


The eatery paired the new hot dog with a new drink special as well, known as Kool Ken-adine, which combines passion fruit juice, vodka, 7UP and grenadine.

The Barbie Dream Dog will be offered until Aug. 16, according to Dirty Frank’s co-owner Miriam Ailabouni. On Aug. 9, it will cost $5 with fries as part of the eatery’s Weiner Wednesday deals, and will cost $5 by itself all other days.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new August issue here!


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