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Columbus ranked as one of 2023’s worst pizza cities in America

Columbus ranked as one of 2023’s worst pizza cities in America

Sav McKee

I am doing my due diligence by letting Columbus know that apparently, we need to step up our pizza game.

According to 2023 data by Clever Real Estate, Columbus has ranked in the bottom 10 cities on their list of “The Best Pizza Cities in America.” Their methodology for ranking us so low has to do with a variety of factors from the U.S. Census, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Google Trends, Thrillist, Pizza Today, US Business Data, plus more. 


Clever asked 1,000 Americans what city they consider the best city for pizza. 41% of people included New York in their top five, but “Americans are the least impressed with Columbus, OH, Oklahoma City, Providence, and Providence Rhode Island – just 2% consider them top five pizza cities,” said Clever’s website. “Public opinion is an important ingredient in our final rankings, but simply a piece of the pie. One pizza da puzzle.”

All in all, although Columbus’ public opinion places us the third worst pizza cities in America, in total, we’re ranked as 31st best when it comes to total factors, such as pizza per capita, pizza prices, and Yelp ratings. We’ll take it!

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