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Local distillery launches Kickstarter campaign to keep their business afloat

Local distillery launches Kickstarter campaign to keep their business afloat

Sav McKee

Chad Kessler has been keeping the Columbus spirits alive for 10 years, and now, he needs our help to keep his spirits alive, too.

451 Spirits blossomed from Kessler’s desire to see more creativity in the world of distilled spirits. He’s brought unique booze to the Columbus scenery, including crafted-from-scratch absinthes, whiskeys, gins, and more small-batch liquors like a cherry brandy and pineapple rum.

“Right before everything shut down [during the pandemic], we were on track to actually make money for the first time in our history. We had a lot of momentum built up and things were looking good,” Kessler explains. His business partners eventually all went back to their other jobs, leaving Kessler with the option to buy them out. “That wiped out most of the operating funds we had, but I’ve been hanging on. I’ve always said this is my ship, I go down with it if need be.”


Currently, Kessler has enough barrels laid down to last another year or two, but if he doesn’t come up with the funds, the physical distillery and production space could go away if he can’t make rent. “I’ve got a few ideas on how to keep the brand alive if that happens, but they’re all contingent on other people being willing to work with me,” Kessler said. 

Kessler needs funds specifically for a widely distributed release of two new spirits he has in the works, which requires bottles, labels, and raw materials. So, he launched a Kickstarter campaign and shared it via 451 Spirits’ Instagram account.

Photo via 451 Spirits’ Instagram

These two new spirits include a Bloody Mary flavored vodka, with notes of horseradish, chili pepper, celery seed, black pepper, and tomato. It would be perfect for brunch. The other new release would be a “tiki centric” gin, with citrus, coconut, and almond.

If the distillery space has to close, liquor aficionados, local artists, and musicians will surely miss it.  “The last few years in particular, I’ve started pushing it more in the direction I always wanted. It now serves as a gallery and studio for various art and music projects. I’ve been lucky to bring in some artists and show and sell their work and have friends that drop by to jam, all the while keeping up with the vision of the distillery itself.”

“Being independent and not having to meet some corporate quota is what makes this place special. I do still have bills though and need support. I think the Kickstarter rewards I’ve put together offer some really cool ways to support this endeavor while making sure you get something valuable in return. If nothing else, just sharing and telling people about us helps a ton. Word of mouth is huge for us!”

You can check out the kickstarter campaign here. For certain donation amounts, Kessler is giving the contributor awards like t-shirts and artwork. You can also shop in-person at 590-ste. D, Oakland Park Ave., Wed-Fri, 4-7pm, and Saturday-Sunday, 2-6pm. You can also shop online for curbside pick-up through their website.

Want to read more? Check out our print publications, (614) Magazine and Stock & Barrel. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new August issue here!


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