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Joe Exotic accuses Ohio celebrity of using his trademarks, but also asks for his help raising money

Joe Exotic accuses Ohio celebrity of using his trademarks, but also asks for his help raising money

Jack McLaughlin

While we’re not exactly sure how he did so behind bars, Joe Exotic (his real name is Joe Maldonado), the star of the hit Netflix documentary Tiger King, has appealed to Bengals quarterback and Athens native Joe Burrow for help getting out of prison.

An official letter to Burrow, which was posted to Maldonado’s Twitter page on Sept. 8, eventually becomes a cry help from the NFL star, but it begins on an almost-accusatory note.

“I see the news, as well as yourself calling you the Tiger King. Everyone in the world is exploiting me and my trademarks while I sit innocent in an American Federal prison,” his letter reads.


Last January, the disgraced Netflix star was sentenced to 21 years in federal prison related to a murder-for-hire plot that was covered in The Tiger King. Burrow was given the nickname The Tiger King shortly after the documentary aired in 2020.

Eventually, Exotic’s letter appeals to Burrow to help him raise money.

“Since everyone is enjoying the fame of being the Tiger King and I’m suffering wrongfully in prison in a cage. [sic] How about doing a good deed and helping me raise $20,000.00 for a down payment to hire attorneys,” the post reads.

If you’re interested–and come on, we all are–Exotic also posted a link to a website detailing his innocence, as well as promoting his candidacy for United States President` in the 2024 election.

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