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Watch the (614) Magazine team accidentally cause an explosion

Watch the (614) Magazine team accidentally cause an explosion

Jack McLaughlin

Things happen. You know how it goes.

While explosions aren’t common day-to-day occurrences, they happen from time to time. We think. Either way, we recently caused one. And by we, I mean myself, specifically.

While filming a recent video for the COSI Science Festival, which will be held May 3-6, the (614) Magazine team was performing a few science experiments, including the creation of “elephant toothpaste.” 

This is a common experiment (that doesn’t typically cause an explosion), but, when the cap is mistakenly put back on a water bottle while a chemical reaction is occurring, pressure builds up, and things happen.

We’ll let you watch the video below.

In case you want to try to get into some (non-exploding) science for yourself, the COSI Science Festival will hold a full slate of STEM events around the community from May 3-5, in addition to its Big Science Celebration on May 6.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new April issue here!

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