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You NEED to Order Pizza Tonight — Here’s Why

You NEED to Order Pizza Tonight — Here’s Why

614now Staff

Hunger is a beast that pizza is primed and ready to defeat. And tonight is the most CRUCIAL day of the year to get your ‘za on. Don’t believe us? Keep reading.

REASON 1: It’s 614 Day. As a runner up for the pizza capital of the United States (Columbus boasts 13.1 pizzerias per 100,000 residents), pizza is the natural way to celebrate.

REASON 2: You’re hungry, like, NOW. When your belly starts to rumble, pizza is an obvious choice because it is fast. Pizza shops are the pioneers of food delivery — which means they’re ahead of the game with quick and easy service.

REASON 3: It’s only $6.14 for a medium pie. Today’s the one day you can take advantage of Romeo’s BEST deal of the year so far. It’s just $6.14 for a medium one-topping pizza with the online code CBUS. Hell, you might as well get two and make a giant pizza sandwich.

It’s obvious — pizza for dinner tonight is a must.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new June issue here!


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