This Ohio city has one of the hottest labor markets in the nation, study shows

Wait, people aren’t just moving here because of Columbus-style pizza?
Apparently, Columbus also has one of the hottest labor markets in America right now. While the job market isn’t all around so hot nationally, according to national data tracked by ADP’s Pay Insights report and the National Employment Report, Columbus is on fire.
ADP compiled the rankings by pay growth, starting wages for new hires, and the hiring rate, focusing on U.S. metros with populations of at least 1 million. “We observed total gross pay for individual workers, which includes overtime, tips, bonuses, and commissions in addition to salary and hourly wages,” they said on their website. “That information is compared to data from the preceding 12 months to calculate the year-over-year change in pay for each individual who had been observed in the same month of consecutive years. These matched individuals include both job-stayers and job-changers, yielding a sample of some 15 million workers in June 2024.”
Columbus came in at the 7th “Hottest U.S. Labor Market,” 89% stronger than the other measured metros, with a hiring rate at 5.4%, which was 98% stronger than the other cities analyzed. Denver took the #1 spot, Oklahoma City at #2, Las Vegas as #3, and #4 is Seattle, #5 Portland, and #6, Sacramento.
Notably, many of these cities also have some of the hottest housing markets right now, too. Columbus in particular has been considered the #1 Hottest Housing Market in the nation for almost a year now.

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