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This Ohio city ranked #1 on list of ‘Most Popular Housing Markets’ in the entire nation

This Ohio city ranked #1 on list of ‘Most Popular Housing Markets’ in the entire nation

Sav McKee

If you’re on the painstaking hunt for a house right now, this may come as no surprise at all. released their annual “Most Popular Housing Markets” list, compiling data from the past year of online traffic, most buyer interest, views per property, plus some other measures.

None other than Columbus, OH ranked as the Most Popular Housing Market in the U.S.! 

“Columbus stands out as the most popular market in the Midwest region and in the U.S.,” said the study. “It consistently ranks high among the hottest housing markets and top emerging housing markets, driven by its affordability, making it particularly attractive to families and young professionals.”


Over the past year, the study shows that homes in Columbus have attracted 0.9% of all online traffic on, with views of the property sitting at 2.4x the national level.

Columbus homes were also found to have garnered nationwide interest and attention, with online traffic showing people from the Northeast, South, Midwest, and West have all been shopping out-of-state and looking for Columbus homes in particular.
Most notably,’s data shows that buyers from New York exhibit the highest interest in Columbus homes, followed by shoppers from Virginia and California.

Check out the rest of the list below:

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