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Betty’s could become a round the clock eatery near OSU

Betty’s could become a round the clock eatery near OSU


Liz Lessner, the restauranteur has opened four new shops and closed one this year, and with that full plate, the plan to move Betty’s from the Short North to a new home on Gay Street didn’t pan out the way she had hoped. “It was tough timing that made this deal not work out,” she told Columbus Business First. Just because Betty’s won’t move downtown though doesn’t mean the concept will be lost into oblivion. She is thinking of opening it as a 24/7 restaurant that could be close to Ohio State, an area that thrives off late night eats. “Betty’s knick knacks, pin-ups, and art are in storage and awaiting new digs as soon as I catch my breath,” Lessner said, according to the paper. “I really believe the old gal has some life left in her.”

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