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OSU researcher helps discover “real life Tatooine,” the fictional planet from Star Wars

OSU researcher helps discover “real life Tatooine,” the fictional planet from Star Wars

Jack McLaughlin

Your dreams of living out the “Star Wars” saga may not be long-gone after all.

Yesterday, Ohio State announced that David Martin, the NASA Sagan fellow at the Ohio State University Department of Astronomy co-authored a study that confirmed the existence of a real-life Tatooine, the fictional home planet of Luke Skywalker from “Star Wars” that featured two suns.

The study explored a technique known as the radial velocity method, which involves analyzing the  spectrum of light created by stars.


The planet, which is known as Kepler-16b, is a “gas giant” roughly the same size as Saturn, and is located 245 light years away from the Earth. Researchers already knew about the existence of Kepler-16b, but the study applied the radial velocity method to observe a planet orbiting two stars, a real life version of Tatooine.

“It’s a confirmation that our method works,” Martin said. “And it creates an opportunity for us to apply this method now to identify other systems like this.”

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