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What your favorite campus coffee shop says about you

What your favorite campus coffee shop says about you


In college, every day is a coffee day. Nothing creates caffeine addicts like long days in the classroom and long nights spent writing essays and studying for exams.

The Ohio State University is surrounded by many coffee shops that students come to adore and love, and every coffee shop has such a different vibe, and where you choose to kick that caffeine craving can say a lot about you.

Here’s what your favorite one says about you as a person:

Kafe Kerouac
If Kafe Kerouac is your favorite coffee shop near OSU campus, you’re a bit pretentious,
but in a fun way. You’re probably an English or philosophy major and have an appreciation for the book covered walls, vinyl for sale, and cheap coffee. You’re the “starving artist” stereotype, and you’re proud of that. You love how anytime you go to Kerouac something’s happening whether it’s the weekly open mic poetry nights or the bands on the weekends. You love how all of the drinks are named after your favorite authors and how the atmosphere feels like a warm hug.

Stauf’s Coffee
If you love making the trek to Stauf’s on Neil, you’re a risk taker. You know that it’s far and that most seats will be taken, but you go anyway. You’re a coffee snob and will go out of your way for really good coffee and a beautiful place to study. You’re probably an upperclassman and Stauf’s is your oasis: a calm place near campus. You like how the bright and open lighting makes you feel awake and like you can accomplish anything.


Some people on campus definitely prefer Starbucks, and if you’re one of those people, you like convenience. You are a pretty busy person, looking for a quick coffee boost to continue with your day. You value a good tradition and knowing exactly what you’re going to get when you order. Yes, you are a little basic but you don’t care because you simply cannot live without your pumpkin spice lattes. Fall is probably your favorite season and there’s nothing better than a good classic, reliable option in your opinion.

Heirloom Cafe
Heirloom Cafe is a favorite among faculty and grad students. If your favorite coffee shop is Heirloom, you’re probably in or considering grad school. You have a strong appreciation for things of good quality and are a lover of art. You’re a fan of a well kept secret and love this perfect little hideaway. You’re probably vegetarian and adore the Vegan Eye Opener and savoring their coffee while doing your homework.

Gata Mágica Café and Lounge
If you’re familiar with Gata Mágica Café and Lounge’s magical cat, Nox, you love adventure. You play dungeons and dragons with your friends and adore reading Fantasy Fiction. You appreciate the decadent and mystical atmosphere. You have a big imagination and probably enjoy a bit of fanfiction. You’re creative and believe in magic.

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