This enormous local pizza feeds 20, and Columbus can’t stop ordering it

Jack McLaughlin

We all known about brontosaurus, and of tyrannosaurus, but there’s a chance you haven’t-yet heard of the Tarantosaurus. 

One of the city’s largest pizzas, this pie, which feeds up to 20 according to the eatery, has been served at the Columbus spot now for the last 23 years. It’s available at Taranto’s Pizza for $55, with a $5 charge for each additional topping. The pie is the equivalent of roughly 4 large pizzas, can be customized by the quarter with toppings.

According to Douglass Sherwood, a Columbus reviewer who recently took on the pizza (with a group of friends), the Tarantosaurus still lives up to its mighty reputation, and the only setbacks he’s experienced with it the pie a logistical one.


“The only issue is we have to tilt it just a little going through the door. After it comes through the door it is the talk because of its size,” he said. Taranto’s website warns potential customers that they “may want to have [the pizza] delivered.”

While you might not assume that a menu item that massive is a regular order at the long-standing pizzeria, according to Sherwood, it appears to be a hit among customers.

During a recent trip to Taranto’s, where he took on the pie with friends and family, he said the eatery sold 9 other Tarantosaurus pizzas that day alone.

You can check out Sherwood’s review of the pizza here. And yes, he did end up with extra pizza.

“We had a total of 8 adults and 3 kids and only had roughly a medium pizzas worth to take home,” he said.

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